Wedding Photo of Gaetana (Annie) Montalto and Andrea Miroddi, 1918



1912 Ellis Island Arrival Record of Andrea Miroddi1917-1918 World War 1 Draft Registration Card for Andrea Miroddi
1918 Marriage Record of Gaetana & Andrea (NB In this record, “Gaetana” is referred to as “Gertrude.” At the time of their marriage, Gaetana probably considered “Gertrude” to be an acceptable English translation of “Gaetana”)
1921 Engineering Degree of Saverio Miroddi (Brother of Andrew Miroddi), Italian Original1921 Engineering Degree of Saverio Miroddi, English Translation
1930 U.S. Census Record of the Miroddi Family1940 U.S. Census Record of the Miroddi Family
Naturalization Certificate, Gaetana (Annie) Montalto Miroddi, April 23, 1940
Notes from Interviews with Gaetana (Annie) Montalto Miroddi, 1972-1973
Interview with Giuseppina (Josephine) Miroddi Costantino, April 22, 1988
(Beginning of interview with Saverino Miroddi, May 6, 1988)
Interview with Saverino Miroddi (Brother of Andrea Miroddi), May 6, 1988 (Reel 2)
Interview with Saverino Miroddi (Brother of Andrea Miroddi), May 6, 1988 (Reel 3)


Miroddi/Strazza Family Videos, 1952-1965 (Including Montalto Extended Family Picnic at Alley Pond Park and Montalto Extended Family New Year’s Eve Party)


Saverino Miroddi (Brother of Andrea Miroddi) and his wife Mary DeMartino celebrating their 25th anniversary, ca. 1963
From L to R: Jo Costantino, Gloria Strazza, Annie Miroddi, Kay Garemchuk, Saverino and Mary, Ann Strazza
Saverino Miroddi and his wife Mary DeMartino (seated), 1989 (Saverino was 97 years old at the time).
From L to R: Josephine, Gloria, Kay, and Ann
Ann & Tony Strazza with their cousins at their 50th wedding celebration, 1993
From L to R seated: Nick and Dorothy Montalto, Marilyn and David Gill, Gloria Montalto
Standing: Anthony & Anne Sciavolino, Nick Montalto, Tina & Richard Haemmerle


Ann Miroddi (L) with her father’s first cousin Santa Castelli Aspromonte (R)

Three branches of the Montalto family are intertwined with another family originally named “Castelli.” In this photo you see Ann Miroddi with her father’s (Andrea’s) first cousin Santa Castelli. Andrea Miroddi’s mother was Caterina Castelli, sister of Santa Castelli’s father. Santa Castelli was the mother of two people who married into the Montalto family: Carmen Aspromonte (married to Frank Montalto) and Tony Aspromonte (married to Millie Montalto). Carmen and Tony’s last name would have been Castelli, if their father hadn’t changed the name to “Aspromonte.” All of the daughters of Annie Montalto and Andrea Miroddi, including Ann, were first cousins, once removed, with Carmen and Tony Aspromonte.